Polish Holstein-Friesian (PHF)
Is the main dairy breed in Poland. This breed was created by the crossbreeding of traditional Polish black-white and red-white dual purpose cattle with Holstein-Friesian. The crossbreeding process started with black-white cattle in the ending of seventies of XX. century, with red-white somewhat later.
Today the breed accounts for 97% of the total recorded cows (94,51% of Holstein and 2,89% of Red Holstein).
Simmental (SM)
Is the dual purpose late grown up breed located mainly in south-east part of Poland. The number of recorded cows in the year 2006 was 4600 heads (0,88% of the total recorded cows). The breeding goal within Simmental in Poland is: maintain of dual purpose relatively big cows with min. of 650 kg of weigh and average milk yield of 4500 – 5000 kg per lactation, good longevity and fertility, easy calving and milking, with good slaughter efficiency.
Red Polish (RP)
Is the oldest one-colored breed in Poland with following advantages: good adaptability, good resistance against diseases like: mastitis, leukemia and hoof’s disorders, very good fertility and extraordinary longevity. Good utilization of poor environmental conditions and poor-quality roughages is typical for that breed. Red Polish cows was very popular in hole area of Poland till the Second World War. Currently that breed accounts about 1% of total number of cows in Poland and only 0,29% of recorded cows.
Montbeliarde (MO)
Herd books for montbeliarde was established in Poland only few years ago when first heifers from France was imported. But Polish breeders are still more and more interested in maintaining of this breed. Its dairy performance, high protein content of milk, cull cows and young bulls sustaining an excellent market value making this breed popular in our country. For improvement of montbeliarde the semen of French bulls are using.
Jersey (JE)
The breeding of jersey was started in Poland in 1967 when more than 300 heifers and 10 bulls from Denmark was imported. Nowadays there are nearly 1100 of pure-bred jersey cows in milk recording with relatively good dairy performance: in average 5070 kg of milk with content of 5,4% fat and 3,92% protein. The most famous two breeding centre which are maintaining jersey cows are Horses Studs in Iwno and Michałow. They achieved of 5663 and 5928 kgs of milk per cow last year respectively. Polish farmers are using jersey for crossbreeding very keen.
Polish Black-White (ZB)
White (ZB) and Polish Red and White (ZR) were founded in Poland in 2008. Both breeds belong to dual purpose cattle. The animals are multicolored: black and white and red and white spotted with beige horns. Adult males weight on average 750 kg and females 650 kg with and average wither height is of 152cm and 138cm respectively. At present there are in Poland about 600 Polish black and white and about 1200 Polish red and white cows registered in HB. The breeding goal is a reconstruction of animals in an old “compact “ type with less then 50% genes of HF cattle. Now this breed is protected by the genetic resources protection program.
Polish Red-White (ZR)
The herd books and the breeding programs for Polish Black and White (ZB) and Polish Red and White (ZR) were founded in Poland in 2008. Both breeds belong to dual purpose cattle. The animals are multicolored: black and white and red and white spotted with beige horns. Adult males weight on average 750 kg and females 650 kg with and average wither height is of 152cm and 138cm respectively. At present there are in Poland about 600 Polish black and white and about 1200 Polish red and white cows registered in HB. The breeding goal is a reconstruction of animals in an old “compact “ type with less then 50% genes of HF cattle. Now this breed is protected by the genetic resources protection program.
White-back (BG)
An old local breed located in the area of Vistula and Bug rivers from the beginning of XIX century. This breed is typical due black and white or red and white with white strip on the back. For its good adaptability to poor environmental conditions, strong health, good resistance, very good fertility, good calving ease and high calves’ vitality and also relatively good ratio of fat and protein in milk this breed is protected by genetic resources protection program. There are only a little more than 250 cows in herd book of white-back breed in Poland. University of Life Sciences in Lublin (www.up.lublin.pl) is responsible for keeping the Herd Book for this breed.
Swedish Red (SRB)
The herd book and the breeding program for Swedish Red were founded in Poland in 2009 at our breeders request. Currently the population is not too big. The number of cows and heifers registered in the Herd Book amounts to around 300 and constantly increasing. This breed good adapt to poor environmental conditions, it is fertile, healthy, have easy calving and can resist the stress from high production. The main breeding goal is to genetically improve the dairy type of cows.
Brown Swiss (BS)
Dual purpose breed, it is not a very popular breed in Poland. There are only about 300 cows and heifers of that breed in Herd Book registered. This breed is well known for good fertility, easy calving, good fodder utilization. The breeding goal within Brown Swiss in Poland is: to maintain dual purpose cows with advantage of milk parameters.